Please send the complete manuscript as an attachment in a single file,
double spaced. In the body of the email with your cover letter,
include a brief one paragraph pitch: think high concept. Also include a one to two page synopsis that gives away the ending
and conflict resolution. Please be patient as I read all submissions and this takes time.
Attach a résumé
or press clippings if they strengthen or clarify your credentials
to write about the subject you've chosen. Submissions MUST include a phone number.
Remember that generally
a book sold today won't be on the shelves for a year!
Keeping with current professional practices, we do not charge reading
fees. No reputable agency does.
Materials should be sent to:
Ricia Mainhardt Agency
85 Lincoln Street, First Floor, Meriden, CT 06451
Important notes: A a rule we do not represent
poetry, children's picture books, or screenplays (except from current
clients), but we will consider presentations from screenwriters
looking to enter the literary market.
This web page does not represent a solicitation
of any kind. RMA IS not responsible beyond a
good faith effort for the safekeeping or return of any material,
solicited or not. We will ethically respect your intellectual
property; it is generally not necessary or recommended to copyright
your manuscript, because you own it by common law and it complicates
rights matters upon its sale. The Postal Service makes mistakes so
never mail your only copy of anything! Nothing on this page
is meant as a contract, and no agreement should be inferred from
this information. If you have legal questions, always ask a lawyer.
Please note the type of book you have written. Is it
adult, teen, middle reader or early chapter book? What
category is the story-science fiction, fantasy, horror, romance,
mystery (hard boiled, cozy, police procedural, pi, supernatural, romantic), southern, women’s, family saga, historical, etc. ?
Adult Fiction:
Submit the first three chapters followed by a brief synopsis (a page
or two) that gives away the ending and a one paragraph pitch that
does not give away the ending.
If possible a one sentence summary (for high-concept books). For both paragraph and sentence think of a cover pitch or a blurb.
In the cover letter include anything about you and your experience in writing or information that is pertinent to the book.
Children's Books
Early reader. Send the entire manuscript with page breaks indicated.
are not necessary (and not recommended). Publishers prefer
to team a beginning writer with an established illustrator to
give the beginning writer a promotional boost.
For books for older kids, see requirements for fiction and non-fiction.
Include 20 to 30 pages cut and pasted into an email or included in the package for hard copy submissions.
Adult and Young Adult Fiction
Nonfiction Books
Send a detailed Table of Contents with a paragraph describing what
each chapter is about, what it brings to the story or why this
information is important.
Also write a one sentence high concept of
the essence of the book. Then a aragraph pitch. Again, think cover blurbs.
The sentence and paragraph pitches are put in your cover letter to grab the
attention of the potential reader, whether that reader is an agent,
editor or a consumer in the book store.
Also include the first two chapters and the final chapter.
The cover letter should include a pitch and your contact information
and any personal information that is pertinent to your experiences and
For writing this book, all should be cut and pasted
into the body of the email. We will not open attachments.
For hardcopy submissions the same information and chapters should be
included for the type of book you are submitting.
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