Richard Lee Byers
Jim Butcher
Laurell K Hamilton
Janeen O'Kerry
Karen Rose Cercone
Steven Lee Climer
Julia Ecklar
Diana G. Gallagher
Ray Garton
Gerry Hausman
Brian Lumley
Michael A. Stackpole
Dan Stark
David Niall Wilson
Diana G. Gallagher
iana G. Gallagher lives in Florida with her husband, Marty Burke, four dogs, seven cats, and a cranky parrot.
Although Diana had always wanted to be a writer, she spent several years teaching kids to ride horses and then spent a few more as a professional folk musician. When she discovered science fiction and Star Trek via Star Wars, she not only discovered what she wanted to write, but also an outlet for expression in music and art. While diligently pounding out a few million unsold words, she gained a certain notoriety among SF fans and space development advocated with her songs about humanity's future in space.
During the beginning stages of writing The Alien Dark (TSR 1990), her first published novel, Diana also tried her hand at whimsical fantasy art. What began as a means of paying convention expenses and having fun soon developed into a full-time artistic endeavor. Best known for her hand-colored prints depicting the doglike activities of Woof: The House Dragon, she won a Hugo for Best Fan Artist, 1988.
However, when The Alien Dark finally sold, Diana decided she had to concentrate on writing. She has written more then forty novels for all ages in several series, including Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and Star Trek.
Sampling of books by Diana G. Gallagher

Charmed: Trickery Treat
A portal opened -- as a means for amends,
Leaves a vengeful spirit to roam.
Helping him cross over is the only way,
To restore peace within the home.
It's Halloween, and Piper is busy decorating the Manor, which has become the neighborhood hot spot on the most bewitching night of the year. Meanwhile, Paige decides to use the party as a chance to honor the dead. She casts a spell that creates a portal for a clan of leprechauns...and other wandering spirits.
The guests are thrilled and impressed with the realistic effects, but Phoebe, Piper, and Paige soon realize that they have a big trick to deal with: one not-so-friendly ghost going out of his way to turn the Manor into a haunted house. The Charmed Ones must stop this evil soul with a vengeance before he takes the life of one experienced ghost hunter who knows his story and has met him before....
It's wicked fun! Diana's newest book in the Charmed series shares the sisters' adventures as they celebrate Halloween.
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Camp Can't (Claudia Cristina Cortez) Thirteen-year-old Claudia wants to prove that she should be a junior counselor at Blue River Camp next year, but first she must face mean girls, the boy she has a crush on, a seven-year-old rascal she often babysits, her own bad luck, and a challenging swimming test.
"Fans of Marissa Moss's Amelia's Notebook series and Carol Weston's The Diary of Melanie Martin will enjoy Claudia and her dilemmas." —Jennifer Cogan, Bucks County Free Library, Doylestown, PA
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Dance Trap (Claudia Cristina Cortez) As a member of the seventh-grade dance committee, Claudia tries to find a way to convince the boys to attend the dance, which she knows they will not do if Anna, another committee member, gets her way and makes the event semi-formal.
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Guilty!: The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez In Guilty!, seventh-grader Claudia and her friend Monica are accused of stealing from popular clique leader Anna. Learning the principle "innocent until proven guilty," Claudia tracks down the real thief, exposing other wrongdoings and earning a few extra bucks in the process. (Gr. 4 - 7)
Fans of Marissa Moss's Amelia's Notebook series and Carol Weston's The Diary of Melanie Martin will enjoy Claudia and her dilemmas. Discussion questions and writing prompts are included.—Jennifer Cogan, Bucks County Free Library, Doylestown, PA
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Diana G. Gallagher Bibliography
Secret World of Alex Mack
- Alex, You're Glowing! (1995)
- Bet You Can't! (1995)
- Bad News Babysitting! (1995)
- Witch Hunt! (1995)
- Mistaken Identity! (1995)
- Go for the Gold! (1996)
- Poison in Paradise! (1996)
- Zappy Holidays! (1996)
- Frozen Stiff! (1997)
- Milady Alex! (1997)
- New Year's Revolution! (1997)
- Canine Caper! (1998)
- Gold Rush Fever! (1998)
- Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained! (1998)
Star Trek
- Deep Space Nine: Arcade (1995)
- Deep Space Nine: Day of Honor: Honor Bound (1997)
- Starfleet Academy: The Chance Factor (1997) (with Martin R Burke)
Are You Afraid of the Dark?
- Tale of the Curious Cat (1996)
- The Tale of the Pulsating Gate (1998)
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
- Showdown at the Mall (1997)
- Halloween Havoc (1997)
- Lotsa Luck (1997)
- Now You See Her, Now You Don't (1998)
- Shamrock Shenanigans (1999)
- Bridal Bedlam' (1999) (with Nancy Holder)
- Reality Check (2000)
- Wake-Up Call (2001)
- From the Horse's Mouth (2001)
- "The Interview" in Eight Spells a Week (1998)
- "The Wizard of OR" in Millennium Madness (1999)
- Salem's Tails: Dog Day Afternoon (1999) (with Mark Dubowski)
- Salem's Tails: Worth a Shot (2000)
The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo
- Takeout Stakeout (1997)
- Cut and Run (1998)
The Journey of Allen Strange
These books are set in the fictional world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Obsidian Fate (1999)
- Prime Evil (2000)
- Doomsday Deck(2000)
- Spark and Burn (2005)
- Bad Bargain (2006)
- Angel The Casefiles: Volume 2 (2004) (with Paul Ruditis)
Full House Sisters
- Substitute Sister (2000)
- A Dog's Life (2001)
- Beware What You Wish (2001)
- Spirit of the Wolf (2002)
- Dark Vengeance (2002)
- Mist and Stone (2003)
- The Book of Three (2004) (with Constance M. Burge and Paul Ruditis)
- Mystic Knoll (2005)
- Hurricane Hex (2006)
- Trickery treat (2008)
Two of a Kind
- Santa Girls (2003)
- Prom Princess (2004)
Sonic X
- Spaceship Blue Typhoon (2005)
American Dreams
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